Why do 44,500 people love calling Moorhead home?
There may be as many reasons as there are residents in the City of Moorhead. Here are just a few:
"My kids can walk down the street to go skating at our neighborhood ice rink."
"We have a block club that has become like a family."
"I live on the edge of town and I can get to work downtown in 10 minutes."
"There's a wading pool across the street and it's free!"
"My neighborhood has a golf course and an annual pass is definitely the way to go."
"Special incentives made a brand new home affordable for my family."
"It's just the right size."

People who live in Moorhead will tell you it's a special place.
And they'll start to click off a list of all the good things that come
with being part of this city:

The Schools
Every student is challenged to grow in Moorhead's public and private schools. We're known for superior academic achievement and extra-curricular activities. There's now free all-day every-day kindergarten. Moorhead is proud of its popular Spanish Immersion education-kids become fluent in two languages. Kids can join orchestra as early as 5th grade, and get this, it's considered as cool as participating in sports. They even have jerseys. There are colleges and universities and with one public high school, the whole town turns out to cheer on the Spuds (we grow great teams and great potatoes here).

The Neighborhoods
We've got stately older neighborhoods and brand spanking new developments, older character homes and new construction, plus everything in between. We've got trees, a winding river, bike and walking paths, free summer concerts and more than 40 parks. Inside safe neighborhoods, kids ride their bikes or shoot pucks on outdoor ice, and people still visit over backyard fences. Find the neighborhood that's just right for you.

The Community Spirit
Moorhead is a high-five kind of place. We've even celebrated National High-Five Day. There's a real sense of camaraderie and a genuine community spirit. Police volunteers can check your house while you're on vacation. College and high school students turn up in droves when help is needed. The community embraced an Extreme Home Makeover for one of its South Moorhead families and several episodes of House Hunters featured our City. Move here and you'll find many more examples.